1.close friend or homie, orginated within the African-American community. 2.term butchered by Randy a judge from American Idol. Now no longer popular
-Was good dawg?
-Yo dawg that was good! or Yo dawg that was bad
by K January 23, 2005
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My homie, gangsta, g, pimp, friend, frat brother, brother, brotha, bro, buddy, dude, man, or other to do with friend. Said in the hood or on da street.
Sup dawgs? Ya wanna run wit my crew?
by joe marus sucks May 24, 2004
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A Brooklyn accent dog, but dawg instead, used for your best budds
Other Boy: " DAWG DAB ME UP"
by gru'sbbgorl777 June 8, 2022
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To give a dirty look to someone.
by NV slick January 24, 2009
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The shortened name for the Georgia Bulldogs.
If you google "dawgs", the second thing that comes up is UGA's fansite.
by zchris87v September 21, 2006
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dawgs are when someone lets their toes be seen by public
jeremey: “bro why did emeli let her dawgs out”
by crazybot76 May 6, 2022
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dawg was not made up by anyone. it is the pronunciation of dog by southerners and has been pronounced that way for hundreds of years. such as the georgia bulldawgs. mane people do not know the origin because they grew up in the north and do not know how the south has pronounced that word for hundreds of years.
you see that dawg burying that bone?
by grenorzy October 11, 2017
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