someone who you can fall in love with if you're not careful; plays you when he knows you like him
Chauncey played me and its still heartbreaking
by AliaJaniyah June 26, 2022
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His mother's final "chapter" of life, and also the definition of Dreams do come true!
A Cuddle Bear!
Loving, Sweet hearted young growing man!

Quiet until unbelievably provoked! Then, the whirlwind of a storm all his own is awakened and unleashed!
A lover~All the way
Fighter only if and when he has to!
See him? That's Chauncey, he is the sweetest, cuddly teddy bear of a young person he can be in his mother's eyes!

Beware, Chauncey will fight if and when he is bothered or made too!
by A Total Bitch! September 8, 2022
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proper noun: insult; limp-dick boys that talk-the-talk but never walk-the-walk, that dude that hangs around the crew but is not in the crew, just a little bitch, punk-ass poser, guy that claims he's not a virgin but we all know he is and he knows we know
"Yo where's that little bish, Zach? I'm going to make him buy me a 40 oz."

"No need to fret. We already sent that Chauncey to the store to get us a whole case of 40s and some sticks and some sandwiches."

"Did you tell him that we'll pay him when he gets back?"

"Yeah, and that Chauncey knows we ain't going to give him shit."

"Price he pays to kick it with the cool crew, fucking Chauncey."
by CommonCents 13 April 15, 2022
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Matt chauncey is a mean muthafucka he will beat anyone's ass and it dont matter if you a girl you'll get your ass whooped too.
Hey bro what happened to her matt chauncey whooped her ass then her old mans
by Matt chauncey October 12, 2020
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Matt chauncey will whoop your ass and then beat your old lady's ss and it dont matter that she's a girl.
What happened to her matt chauncey beat her ass then beat the shit outta her old man.
by Matt chauncey October 12, 2020
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A badass muthafucka who will beat the shit outta anybody in douglas or anywhere and it dont matter if your a woman you will get your ass whooped too
He bro what happend to him matt chauncey whopped his ass bro
by Matt chauncey October 12, 2020
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A character from the comic Blueycapsules. One of the characters that doesn't show much emotion, but I think hes pretty kewl😍
Chauncey Bohner-Focker is my favorite blueycapsules character!
by maxthetaxevader May 10, 2022
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