Verb. The action of taking more cocaine than the lethal dose of a normal sized, middle aged human could take, and surviving.
Did you hear? Gregg did a Charlie Sheen last saturday! He's lucky to be alive.
by garunas March 14, 2011
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A powerful yet undetectable drug.
After passing a drug test and ranting on a morning talk show Charlie Sheen said, "I am on a drug - it's called Charlie Sheen."
by Elliott InSpace February 28, 2011
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to snort coke and or coke and molly off of a lit parliment cig thru your nose then after that smoke it like a normal cig effects act like charlie sheen getting roasted on cc
the charlie sheen~take a drag off a parliment cig. while lit dip the r3eccessed filter with coke and molly to the brim then inhale threw your nose after smoking threw your nose repeat step and redose threw your mouth
by //\\//\\admike September 16, 2011
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To be a winner, to not give a fuck about the restrictions of society and live to the fullest, which includes, but not limited to: Fucking the hottest pornstars, having the sickest parties, doing the purest cocaine, and getting rushed to the hospital every week.
Person A: "Charlie Sheen's actually a lonely dude who tries to mask his misery by convincing himself that he's the biggest person ever."
Me: "Shut up dude, he has 2 live in girlfriends, they are two of the hottest pornstars, and they gave up their career for him, he OWNS them!"
Person A: "Well, sex money and drugs doesn't equal happiness."
Me: "Yes, it does."
by joeeeeeeeeeeeeeee122334 March 6, 2011
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1. (n) A drug that is unavailable to the public. It melt your face and explode your body and make your children cry.

2. (n) A man who is bi-winning, has tiger’s blood and adonis DNA, will soon be Warner Brothers's namesake (Sheen Brothers), he won best picture at 20 for a movie he didn’t write or produce (without trying), makes Mick Jagger look like a droopy-eyed amputee, he can cure disease with his brain, and he is magic.
1. I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.

2.Charlie Sheen doesn't need AA, AA was written for normal people, people that don’t have tiger blood and Adonis DNA.
by Mailman9 March 4, 2011
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