Not Fake.Hair is brown.Has braces.Is far from perfect.Has the most beautiful brown eyes you have ever seen.You could get lost in his eyes.Doesn't try to hide his flaws.Seems like the most open person you'll ever meet.He's not.Has his deep dark secrets that he tells to very few people.Has a hard time trusting and when you break his trust he won't forgive you.If you f with him you're gunna get it.Doesn't think he's loved.Is always looking for the person who won't leave him.Has a dark past that haunts him to this day.RARELY lets anyone in.His past stops him from loving and usually causes him heartache.Has problems with depression,everyone can tell.Wears long sleeves because he doesn't want you to see them.Is usually written off as annoying.Really cares for you if he is sweet.If Caleb is your friend, don't disappoint him, he is worth every moment.Has trouble dealing with all the shit people throw at him, but he tries not to let it get to him.Likes when people care about him and likes spending time with his friends,but doesn't want to get too close.Is deathly afraid of getting hurt again.Doesn't want you to get hurt either.If he lets you in,don't screw up like I did.Usually found listening to depressing music to drown out the faults in his life.He fakes his smile but you know he's dying inside and he won't let you help him.He's thought about doing the unthinkable,to take the pain of his life away,too many times to count.Wants Happiness.staystronglittlefighterthingswillgetbrighter
Caleb is the most amazing person you will be lucky enough to spend a moment of your life with.
Caleb has secrets.
Caleb's eyes are a fiery brown around the pupil and then they engulf you in their brunette flame as you make your way out of their grasp.
Caleb deserves to be happy.
by werhe_are_yuor_dmones? April 29, 2013
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A dick at times, but a fucking hilarious person to be around.
Yo fuck you Caleb
by May 19, 2019
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Incredible, smart, talented, and attractive guy that will treat any girl who gives him the time of day well. However he is loyal and is there for you when ever you need him.
Salley: My dog just died!

Caleb: That is terrible! do you wanna come over and talk?
by harrypotterishotter September 5, 2011
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Is the Hottest guy. Sexy Body, Six Pack, Ripped Abs, Ripped Biceps and a huge dick.
You wish you were Caleb
by CalebUMEL December 6, 2016
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An amazing person with a ton of friends. He will spark your days and make everyone around him happy! He chooses who he will like though and if you get on a his bad side you stay there! Caleb's usually have blonde hair and intense blue eyes. If you have a Caleb as a boyfriend keep him! Caleb's are loyal and usually a one guy kinda girl! Although the girl he really wants he is to shy to talk to!
I wish I could date a Caleb!
by Jennyjackons June 20, 2015
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to have a sexy body. to have strong biceps, and ripped abs, and a nice ass
look at that caleb lifting 500 lbs!!

thats guy is a total caleb!

Man, that caleb is a total hottie!

by braves06 June 2, 2006
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A cute guy with brown hair and brown eyes , and usually has a good tan . Everyone likes him and everyone knows who he is . He's the one person who seems like a person who doesn't care but really he does care and is really sweet . May be annoying at times but thats what makes you like him ! Hes an amazing person and if you ever meet a Caleb , then go be friends with him!
Girl 1 :Whoa , who's that hot dude?
Girl 2: That's caleb
Caleb: Hey ;)
by j<3c June 16, 2011
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