A person that will choose a type of dipping sauce for chicken nuggets.
Dip Caddy : I'd go with the sweet and sour.
Person 1 : Who's that?
Person 2 : My Dip Caddy.
by Radical5000 February 28, 2006
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a bad ass blue collar neighborhood where the people that live there are happy but also broke.
" that dude right there must be from caddy vista cuz he coo, work hard but he aint eva got paypa.... damn."
by akshyn December 5, 2012
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A "fist caddy" is a slang term for someone who enjoys fisting or cunt punching (see Cunt Puncher). The person who is the "fist caddy" is the submissive or receiving party who is being penetrated by someone's fist for pleasure. A "fist caddy" can be of any gender.
Example 1:
Aly hated to admit it, but she had officially become Kate's FIST CADDY! She was a total bottom who loved getting fisted! Who knew she could be topped!?

Example 2:
He was a good boyfriend; he knew how much Ivan loved to get plowed, face down, ass up, fisted almost all the way up his arm. Ivan was the best fist caddy he ever had. Ivan worshiped his powerful hands with both cheeks as if in prayer. Yes, Ivan was a keep for sure!
by FIST MASTER October 5, 2007
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When you and your buddy pull up to a crosswalk and this asshole in a brand new white caddy SUV doesnt stop. Then almost smashes the little riceburner in front of it and nearly misses the sidewalk. Then when he pulls away he totally fucks up his brand new rims by hitting the curb!
Feasting over some hoochies, Doug almost pulled a White Caddy back there.
by DSA June 8, 2004
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Someone who purchases (expensive) Branded accessories for an activity without being able to do it, like Golf Caddies are weighed down with equipment but not actually playing.
“Yeah, Justin new deck is sick but he can’t even skate dude, he’s just a Brand Caddy.”
by Budget Ninja August 22, 2014
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When you use someone to get a ride to party or social gathering ; Cincinnati caddy
Yo man have we found a ride to That party??

2nd person- yea man I hit the Cincinnati caddy on the scrub Wyatt.

Original person- hahaha yea yo he's ****ing retarded
by Mr. Mackey mmk November 16, 2013
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