When the titties are just too plump and big to handle, these are known as big ol titties. These are the perfect titties for motorboating
Person 1- Damn!! that girl over there has some really 'big ol titties!! '

Person 2- Yeah!! I'd love to motorboat them!!
by Bigwillywonka69 January 6, 2016
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Used when describing a female's large breasts.
Man, she got some big ole titties, n' you know I love those big ole titties.
by The Searle delusion November 16, 2007
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When a woman has a pair of breasts that are not only remarkably large in size, but are well shapen, and seem to bounce well when she is in motion. When you see big ass titties, it's usually accompanied by a large boner which will last you several minutes until you beat off.
Mike: Yo jamal, you see dem big ass titties?
Jamal: Yeah, I needa go to the bathroom now and beat off!
by Jon Crock July 9, 2006
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Having anime pornstar like titties. Titties that smack you in the face when you jump. Titties so big you gotta ace bandage them when you go for a run. Titties so big they sway in the wind. Titties so big they look like flapjacks when you aren’t wearing a bra. Titties so big you get asked if they’re fake and you have to roll your eyes because you know you just have big anime titties.
by Eagle Woman August 18, 2018
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Main Entry: Big Country Titties
Function: Noun
Date: 1983

Size D or larger sebaceous glands that secrete milk, are situated ventrally in pairs, and terminate in super fucking huge pinky finger sized nipples.
Titty Man#1: Damn boy, would you look at the cans on that one!!!
Titty Man#2: Yea! Those sure are some Big Country Titties! I'd sure like to squeeze them together and make them fart!
by bolillo loco December 27, 2010
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