(1).To begin a certain task or accaomplishment

(2). Slang term for cocaine
Go bait that bitch, Dawg!!!
Yo G pass tha bait.
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The act of waiting for your teammate to die either because you're a pussy and don't want to lose your rifle, or you baiting your teammates for their gun since you didn't manage your economy properly.
"Green why are you baiting me idiot push with me."
by shutmouth June 1, 2021
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I've got plenty of bait, but I would hardly call myself a master.
by Ben Cannon June 11, 2005
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Phrase used to describe an attractive male or female who may attract many other males and/or females

Friend #1: Tyson Beckford is the bait!!
Friend #2: Yeah girl, he's soooo cute.

Friend #1: You see that girl over there man?
Friend #2: Yeaaahh, she cute. She gets all the bait!
by ill nanaaa April 26, 2009
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To lure someone with what you know they will like.
Jack: "hay Tom, Jon was wearing a gold Rolex in Wal-Mart last night."

Tom: "Oh… you mean he was baiting for chicks in Wal-Mart last night."
by team baiting ftw May 16, 2010
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