A month where you can not play Apex for a whole month. Starts with 2 free passes. If you use all your passes you’re out of the game.
“No Apex April?! But the game just released!!”
by cohesionsavage February 17, 2019
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A Battle Royale game where you play as different characters called “legends”.
A game that only sexy women and hot men play, unlike Fortnite which is filled with fat sweaty virgins.
Man, I wish I could find a girl but I play fortnite instead of apex legends...
Guess I’ll just be gay.
by RaiD_Saint February 8, 2019
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when someone leaves a party or group without saying bye; also known as a French Exit or rage quitting.
Jon: How rude. Did that guy just apex and bounce?

Jimmy: Yeah that guy ApexPredator couldn't handle the heat.
by archvr May 27, 2017
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The turning point of alcohol consumption at which the alcohol consumer (continuing to consume alcohol) begins to feel increasingly less awkward in increasingly more awkward situations.
Example 1:
Person 1: "Dude, last night I totally passed The Hillyer Apex. I was straight macin' on that girl from the movie Precious."
Person 2: "Oh god, man, I know. I was so past The Hillyer Apex that I started makin' out with the EMTs on the way to the hospital."

Example 2:
Person 1: "Yeah, we totally hooked up last night and this morning... he didn't even remember my name."
Person 2: "Sounds like he might have been past The Hillyer Apex."
by Ruthless1314 November 11, 2011
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Apex legends, the worst Titanfall game but the best battle royal
Damn dude, it’s hard to play Apex Legends after playing a few hours of Titanfall
by The_Big_Duck December 9, 2019
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A First Person Shooter class based Battle Royale. It was developed by Respawn Entertainment, who is also responsible for the Titanfall series. You and 2 other players team up and drop. Basically the whole "battle royale game" scenario. There are currently 10 different legends to choose from (8 since you have to purchase Mirage and Caustic, thanks EA). There are 10 legends. Mirage, the holographic trickster, who can make digital clones of himself, Wraith, the dimensional traveler, Pathfinder, a robot looking for his creator and can use grapples and ziplines to travel, Caustic, a sociopath who can use toxic gas to trap his victims, Bloodhound, a masked tracker who can see other players' footprints, Lifeline, an energetic combat medic, Bangalore, a former military weapons expert, Octane, an adrenaline junkie who lost his legs in a grenade blast, Wattson, a girl who designed the containment ring in King's canyon and is great for perimiter control, and Gibraltar. A heavy-like legend who focuses on helping his team. Like other battle royale games, the arena is constantly shrinking. But, with the class based system, you can choose how you play (like Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch). And unlike Fortnite or PUBG, Apex Legends makes you play in 3 man squads and tells you how many players and teams are left. There are 3 ways to win a game of Apex Legends: Work as a team and slaughter the others, camp and hide until 1 person remains, or get carried.
So, whats your favorite FPS Class based game?

Apex Legends, duh
by Gamr kid 76 July 17, 2019
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