Either a duck like an animal or either when you have to bend down suddenly.
"Duck! It's a Duck"
by Hesus Believer 🦆 May 29, 2019
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Ducks, other known as as vile, terrifying despicable creatures that walk the earth to simply terrify. You try to like feed their ducklings and they're all like "Nah mate, I'll fucking swoop yo' ass"
So then you're like "Holy shit mother fucker!" and you get the fuck out of there!
Me: Aw look, some cute ducklings, let's feed them!

Father duck: Oh hell no! *runs after me with it's head down looking like a demonic piece of shit running at me*

by Duck Hater907y1345609832156 December 16, 2012
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by Snek_ November 19, 2021
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When your friend is a scum and won't drive you home after sneaking out.
Loud boy #1: Damn dude please drive me back I don't want to get grounded.
Stoned Kid #1: Dude whatever.
Loud boy #1: We just got ducked on by this shmuck.
by Callmetheapplesauce December 5, 2014
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Someone that is extremely sensitive, but also has many peaks of extreme ego. So you can't give a compliment, because it feeds to the person's ego too much, and you can't poke fun because he or she is too sensitive. There is no middle ground, therefore, all you can do is keep your mouth shut and watch them wobble from one side of their personality to the other and quack about bizarre things.
I tried to flirt with this guy, however, he transformed into a duck after I fed him a compliment and tried to poke fun with him.
by wordness November 30, 2013
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Noun - The end of a "blunt" which is marijuana rolled in a cigar. The paper version "joint" ends up as a "roach"
We shared that blunt with 20 people, and by the time it got to me; All I got was the duck.
by theothers August 22, 2012
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