Noun (eg. doing a nelli)
Verb (eg. to nelli, nelli-ing)
1. Smoking Marloboro reds insessantly either traditionally or with a hand pipe.
2. Being easily angered when something is not consistent, ie. OCD
3. A small mediteranean insect usually inhabiting undergrowth or shallow earth resembling a black fluffy worm. Most commonly found in Greece but has been sighted in north east England in Guisborough, Redcar, Midlesbrough and the like.
1. OMG as if you're doing a nelli! Put that fag out!
2. Oww! Don't nelli me, it's not my fault it's not perfectly symmetrical!
3. Woahhh look at that nelli!
by she faked it February 18, 2008
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A gay St. Louis rapper who half-raps and half-sings. Looks like a complete queer. Wears a band-aid under his eye because he thinks it makes him look hardcore. Keeps saying EIEI like a donkey. Old Mcdonald had a farm, EIEIO, nigga!
Nelly: EIEI uh oh! Im a sucka fo cornbread, mashed potatoes, and peas, and graaaaaavy! EIEIO nigga EIEIO! I have no talent nigga! Imma plug Ja-Rule's ass! peace!
by Zeebo the Barber October 28, 2006
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1. a tight polo shirt wearing POP ARTIST/homo from St.Louis who thinks wearing nasal strips on his cheek is "cool"

2. got owned by KRS-ONE

"You tired of me saying what's real Hip-Hop / Well I'm tired of you biting my cockand "Sales don't make you the authority / It means you sold out to the white majority / What you know about seniority / You ain't major/Your whole album appeals to little second graders."
Nelly is nowhere to be found after KRS ripped the SHIT of him
by tha truth teller May 31, 2006
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Nelly is a independent , reliable , caring and mature friend who you must cherish . She hides her thoughts that normal people actually do not know what she is thinking . She has two sides . Cute and funny when being with his friends ; Mature and diligent when being with adults . She supports girls power a lot . Cause she thinks that it is not a must that woman should have a man to rely on . She loves hanging out with her besties , sometimes they are the only person who can make her feel happier . However , she sometimes love to be alone , cause no one can disturb her . She is a high-standard person , and this leads to her for being a stressful person . She is not born in a rich family , so she knows that she needs to do everything herself , work hard , study hard and then she can have a great success .

So now , cherish this NELLY friend ! She sometimes might be annoyed but she cares you a lot !

by savagebitch_C41.2.38 March 9, 2019
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Assuming the worst out of a future situation or event before it happens.
You’re nellying me by always reminding me to be careful when I go snowmobiling because ‘it’s dangerous’. A lot of things are dangerous. Taking no chances in life and not having fun is dangerous too.
by DakotaFlurry January 7, 2019
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Nelly is a beautiful girl but denies it she is from Nepal and she enjoys art in general she doesn’t clean her room at all and probably has a sister and is rude to her for no reason she doesn’t shower and eats all of her clothing hangers , she hangs out with toxic people and doesn’t know what cum is
She also adores lele pons and Jacob saggytit
Person 1 did you hear what nelly did?
Person 2 who is that
by papi rea February 20, 2019
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A person who goes with the gang .you think she likes you but she doesn't. Sometimes she can be a meanie
by Betmnsy May 20, 2019
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