We can arl be GEORDIES as it is the people of the northeast.

But you are either a MACKEM or a MAGPIE

1892 MACKEM Football League Championship won by SUNDERLAND and first time in the North East

1892 MAGPIE Whats that arl aboot
DOON TOON was always and is used in SUNDERLAND
by JAZMAN January 28, 2004
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The Magpie Syndrome is the condition of clumsiness. Resulting in having the Magpie Syndrome, you will become much clumsier than your usual self. Most likely, you will trip and fall every minute or so. The Magpie Syndrome is a very contagious condition that may be fatal. If the effects of the Magpie Syndrome are serious enough, it would be known as the Black-billed Magpie Syndrome. The Black-billed Magpie Syndrome is a branched off adaptation of the Magpie Syndrome. It contains the same effects of the Magpie Syndrome; however, the effects would result in more harmful injuries.
"Oh no, Fatima A contracted the Black-billed Magpie Syndrome! She fell over the sidewalk and now is bleeding from her forehead."
by Black-billed Magpie February 5, 2022
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The belief by pirates in the 1500's and 1600's that black magpies native to the Caribbean would detect and seek out the fermenting alcohol of naturally occurring molasses from sugar cane plants which produced natural rum. During specific times of the year, P. hudsonia would roost in the Caribbean during migration. The migration traverse would lead the birds to search high energy food. Of particular interest to pirates was rum. The pirates would watch the seasonal migration patterns of the birds as well as roosting locations in hopes of finding free alcoholic booty to trade on the high seas as well as use for personal inebriation. The alcohol was easily captured and stored for ocean voyages.

Currently being used as slang for people too cheap to buy their own liquor when going to parties who steal from others.
The Jolly Roger is circling the east coast of that island because of the Black Magpie Theory.


Keep an eye on your rum in the freezer. That random dude is thinking Black Magpie Theory.
by grs_bmt December 5, 2010
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The oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but now considered an Old World flycatcher. They are distinctive black and white birds with a long tail that is held upright as they forage on the ground or perch conspicuously. Occurring across most of the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia, they are common birds in urban gardens as well as forests. They are particularly well known for their songs and were once popular as cagebirds. The oriental magpie-robin is national bird for Bangladesh. People of Bangladesh recognize it as "Doyel".

This species is 19 cm long, including the long tail that is usually held cocked upright. It is similar in shape to the smaller European robin, but is longer-tailed. The male has black upperparts, head and throat apart from a white shoulder patch. The underparts and the sides of the long tail are white. Females are greyish black above and greyish white. Young birds have scaly brown upperparts and head. It is the national bird of Bangladesh.
Look at that Oriental magpie-robin, what a beautiful species of birds!
by Yakub? November 20, 2018
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A person who buys and collects books, but never reads them.
Been a real Book Magpie, bought the entire works of Pratchett, Dostoevsky, Christie, and Marx, to fill my bookshelf up.
by Frojo Swaggins November 9, 2023
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Is a silly girl, bronte snoxall's bestfriend in the whole worlddddd. She is in love with Nash Francis and wants to marry him. He is her one and only prince charming. She never sees anyone else in the world besides Nash and bronte. She is the boss of magpies.
Being defined Zoe Magpie is in love with nash and brontes bestfriend
by magpieee,magpieee May 29, 2023
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When a hoe is lying to your face :(
I've been hurt
Them: 'that car was yellow bro, I swear'
Me: 'no that's magpie bro, it was cream'
by Majestic Meats June 18, 2021
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