some boys told me april 24th was national r@pe day but i hate that it’s so scary and disgusting so let’s make it something else like national sea life day where we celebrate dolphins or something bc that’s cute
yay it’s national sea life day on april 24
by absolutely hottie February 13, 2023
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International step on shit day. Where it is required that all males must step on dog cat or possibly cow ass juice to make there day worse
Yo what day is it
April 24 man
Aw ffs not again
by Black black pat October 17, 2019
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National no balls day; forced to complete an action if the person says "no balls."


Best friend: dude, I dare you to run down the hall screaming like a goat.

Other friend: no way!

Best friend: no balls ,its April 24 dude.

Other friend: ah shit you right. * does the dare*
You must do this on April 24
by 49th9293rd4 November 2, 2019
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National smash your Bf/gf/crush day
Me:Hey baby it’s April 24

Her: bet daddy
by Yesssirrrrrrrrrr November 24, 2021
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National Josh Day
A day to celebrate the great battle of the Josh 2021, in which Little Josh reigned victorious
Dude1: Hey its April 24th, Happy National Josh Day
Dude2: what
by I pegged your mom April 28, 2021
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National watch a movie with someone day go out and text or call someone you love or think is cool and watch a movie with them in theaters or at home!
Julie: hey John its April 24
John: ok so what does that mean?
Julie: it’s national watch movie with someone day

John: oh yeah I’m down to watch movie

Julie: great!
by Welp69 April 24, 2021
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National movie buddy day go watch a movie with the person you love or think is fun it can be in theaters or at home!
Julie: hey John you know today is April 24 you know what that means

John and Julie: national movie buddy day!
by Welp69 April 24, 2021
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