Parents, relatives, and foreigners on Facebook and other social networking sites will often use "..." after a sentence and before starting a new one instead of the usual way of pressing Enter and starting a new line or using a basic period.
Grandma from overseas: "hi r u? is ur mom n dad....."

Amy: "I'm good. My family is fine as well. How is grandpa?"

Grandma: "ur grandpa is good......tho he cant learn to put the bottle down....hahahahahaha........"

Amy: "Lol. That's funny. Tell him I said Hi."

Grandma: "ok.....i will talk 2 u again.....i luv u all...bye....."
by secondgo May 12, 2011
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Another way of saying what the fuck? but in a form you just don't get what that person wrote.
(Guy 1 starts messaging guy 2)

Guy 1- yo man guess what?
guy 2- what?
Guy 1- I found a penny
Guy 2 -so...?
Guy 1- so cool!
Guy 2- ...

(guy 2 signs off)
by weknowmorethanyou May 15, 2007
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Triple dot. I probably use them wrong but I like them. My way of using them is better. Change the rule to make my way the correct one...

Iam "..."

Hym "What?"

Iam "I don't like this..."

Hym "Oh? Really? I love it! I'm having a grand ole time!"

Iam "The sarcasm isn't helping..."

Hym "It isn't intended to."

Iam "This is serious! What is someone in our situation even supposed to do!? There is no precedent for this! I mean... How do you convince a society full of cannibals that eating people is wrong?"

Hym "Maybe it isn't. Maybe people meat is pound-for-pound the optimal diet for humans. That one chick said that meat was the best thing for humans to eat. Which meat is the best? People meat."
Iam "It... What? No! People meat is not the best meat."

Hym "You don't know that. You are neither a scientist nor have you ever eaten a people. AND if it was the best meat, no one would ever tell us. Which makes this dilemma perfectly analogous to our current situation."

Iam "..."

Hym ๐Ÿ˜

Iam "That's not... Yeah, actually. ๐Ÿค” We're trying to get the people who know whether or not people meat is the best meat to tell us (honestly) that people meat is the best meat... It's a perfect analogy."

Hym "Yes. It is. I'm a genius."

Iam "I just don't see how people are going along with this! Not ONE person sees a problem with this!? Even the people I thought would see the problem with this don't have a problem with it!"

Hym "Oho! Yeah. We have been completely forsaken. Big time. But think of it this way: We now have more people to hate. And eat (I suppose) if we decide to go that route."

Iam "That doesn't make me feel better..."

Hym "It isn't intended to."

Iam "..."

Hym ๐Ÿ˜

Iam ๐Ÿ˜–+๐Ÿคฆ+๐Ÿค "Haaoo man... Even Truman had one person try to tell him that he was in a show..."

Hym "His ideas weren't as stealable as ours. No reason to let us out of the dome if we keep giving them shit they can use that we might withhold if we were out of the cage. Our organs might even be more delicious than his. Only time will tell."

Iam ๐Ÿ˜–+๐Ÿคฆ+๐Ÿค "Ngghhuuh shit... Shit shit shit... I need sleep. Goddamnit..."

Hym "Triple dot yeah..."
by Hym Iam June 13, 2022
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... Otherwise known as the triple dot.

Used to show importance of what someone is about to say
And Jimmy's mom was like: ...
I was like: Damn....the triple dot. its gonna take her a while to answer that
by D!M! January 11, 2008
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it could be; Yeah, Okay.
Or; Yeah, Okay...
by chucknorrispwnsn00bz January 2, 2009
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From WOW JIMMY story on youtube

Mojache: Hey mrs. jimmy where has jimmy been?

Mrs. Jimmy:...

Mojache: O shit!!
by dustin111111111111111 January 5, 2008
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... means either that makes no sense or idk what to say orrrr i dont want to tell you to leave me alone but leave me alone ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
Jacklin: Heyyyy gurl did you hear the rumor spread about you? Hint they aren't good

Linda: ...
by Me_Awesome UwU ๐Ÿ’™ December 3, 2021
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