If you dont like cursing, FUB means eff you b**. It came to origin because someone said eff you B, and another person responded, Fub?
"Your so lame, you dont even curse"
The other person just got owned
by i pwn u 2 February 18, 2010
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"Did you see that bird Nelly was with t'other night? She was a fub!"
by oldham matt November 24, 2008
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crush; A guy/girl that you are crushing on, but you don't want to like that person. So you want to have the fub ended right away.
Tyson is Tori's fub, but he is a preppy jock who is an A**-hole.
by April March 18, 2004
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Friends with benefits.
instead of saying fwb, because it's hard to say.
Miley Cyrus is my FUB.
by hseprjofkl;er September 27, 2009
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The intense banging of two peoples palms that is an alternative to sexual intercourse.
Dave: Hey tom, smell my palm.
Tom: (sniffs) dude that smells! you fub that girl at the coffee shop?
Dave: Oh fub yeah. I fubbed her so hard she got carpal tunnel syndrome!
Tom: Fubbin' awesome dude!
(Both high five, but secretly are actually fubbing eachother.)
by Robbles the wise one June 3, 2011
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Fuck Buddy
- A friend or acquaintance that one engages in sexual activity with on a "no-strings-attached" basis ...
"So what's up tonite? A little time with your FuB?"
"Ya ... I'll probably be busy until about 10, then we can go do something after ..."
by Duck Williamson January 10, 2004
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A conbination of 'fab' and 'good', pronounced when you say good and think of 'fab'
person 1 'aw man can't wait for the party on saturday!'
person 2 'yeah me too, it will be fub'
person 1 '..... ok dude'

by fransancisco August 11, 2014
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