1. A safe relationship, that mimics a real partnership but is void or greatly laking jealousy and other such emotions that come with a serious relationship.

2. A physically involved relationship, where both partners enjoy some comforts of sitting on the fence between serious relationship and simple friendship.

3. Any realtionship that can only be catagorized as being between Friends and Partners, also refered to as More then friends
Two people break up over complictaions of a serious relationship and decide to continue their relationship a step down, but not far enough as to have physical bounderies.
by Clayton Holmes March 4, 2005
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When two friends want to flirt, touch, hug, and mess around or more without having to commit or wonder if they are dating.
Me and Kris are "friends with benefits" and now we can flirt and be all over each other without having to date.
by EMM.D. September 7, 2009
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a person who one fucks on the side when not involved in a serious relationship. NOT to be confused with a boyfriend or girfriend, to whom (gasp!) commitment would be involved.
My friend with benefits constantly tells me about how he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend...what a sonofabitch.
by je suis, tu n'est pas August 9, 2003
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There's two different meanings. (See example below.)
Girl: "I just wanna be...friends with benefits," usually means: "Yeah, you're cool but...I don't really wanna be seen with you. Sorry."

Guy: "I just wanna be...friends with benefits," usually means: "Yeah, I just wanna get in your pants without having to do anything for you."
by taaash August 24, 2006
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a guy who is a girls friend. they aren't dating but they can have sex. the only time you can have sex with two people without considering it cheating.
woman:wanna be my friend with benefits.
man:whats that?
woman:we have sex but we're not dating.
by mowcow1233243 July 13, 2008
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Friend with benefits is a Magic friend. The ideal relationship. The miss of compromise makes both be excellent friends and lovers.
He is the man I was looking for. But because of the difference of age- I am much older- we stay as friend with benefits. Never will I find such a good friend and lover. HE is. But....
by Dolores Lagos March 9, 2006
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