Hurricanes are large vortexes infamous for their spinning, banded shape. Hurricane intensity varies, from the weakest, with 74 mph windspeeds, to a category 5 190 miles-per-hour monster.

Hurricanes could be deadly; recent examples include: Maria, Irma, Harvey, Florence, Michael, etc.
Or they could just drag off to the ocean, as most do.

A average hurricane season has 7 hurricanes.
2 of these 7 average hurricanes, in average, strike the USA.

The strongest part of a hurricane is the "eyewall", the outer part of the eye of the storm. But, inside of that eyewall; sits the eye, the calmest part of the storm.

Hurricanes lose power over land and colder waters, and gain power in areas of low shear and hot water, which is needed for the storm.

Hurricane Name change for basins:

Indian Ocean : Cyclone
Northeast Pacific : Typhoon
Atlantic : Hurricane
"Hurricane Katrina is heading towards Mississippi and Louisiana, and could bring flooding into the plains."

"Hurricane Irma has made landfall in Cuba as a category 4. It's now heading for Florida at the same intensity."
by lobkwlekek1 November 10, 2018
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You should never allow anybody that doesn't pay your mortgage, rent, or bills to tell you when you can enter or leave your own home, it's yours not theirs, safe or unsafe. A hurricane or a pandemic does not change that, your home is not the same as a business. If you have to wake up and fight to return to your home, or to leave your home, that's what you have to do.
By default in their game (that of the military/national guard backed corporate entity broadcasting mandates and orders such as evacuation orders) you have no rights. If you never wake up and fight, you might end up with no home or belongings either. They can't control every single person that lives in an area, there are too many people to control every single one, they're only trying to make a herd of the masses so that everyone is together, following each other to a slaughterhouse. A hurricane or pandemic doesn't change the name of the person paying the mortgage, rent, or bills, so why would you allow someone that doesn't pay any of those things to run you off from your home and tell you it's because you're lucky or in your best interest, or for your safety. They're looking out for themselves by doing that, not you. People that remember Katrina know that after the way FEMA handled it.
by The Original Agahnim August 31, 2021
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A convenient way to get a new house. However, it can also kill you, and everyone else in the neighbourhood gets a new house as well. Varies by category, going from simple repairs to complete house replacement. Works best in Florida.
hurricane: *destroys roof of house*
dude: aww yeah I wanted a new house, thanks!
by l0l_ April 19, 2018
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A storm with a violent wind that carries water across a country in it's arms.
The hurricane swept the country off it's feet.
by Asonymous September 3, 2017
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A storm with a violent wind that carries water in its arms to land.

by Asonymous September 3, 2017
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Individuals by the name of Bob, Gagan and Harkirat who possess many acres and prefer beverages of the Crown Royal variety
Yo, let's send it with the hurricane
by Bgh123 February 5, 2022
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