the best model group

sheoui sucks

so does flopbore

fuck them bitches
Rebecca:" I won 434338289389238928 bussy robux because of a | l fashion"
Other ugly model group owners: "yes momay fuck me"
by boochiecoochie April 5, 2021
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An elite (or so they think) group of guys who stand at outdoor bars in NYC with vodka sodas. Often seen standing, not speaking to each other and generally just looking around at nothing to see who is looking at them.
Did you see Ryan today? He was standing withThe Fashions fishing for compliments.
by QUIGLM1 June 8, 2017
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When ya get that Starbucks coffee and it is explosive morning or anytime diarrhea.
I got that old fashioned jackie chan diarrhea this morning I almost shat myself.
by Daaaaaaa wzzzzzzziard February 16, 2021
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The act of sticking a finger into a man's ass while slowly
moving the other hand up and down the shaft of the man's penis.
John Travolta thought it would be fun if the spa attendant gave him a Fashion Health Spa.
by bigmacmuffin October 6, 2012
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When you hang a pair of cherries from the base of an erect penis, after having held an ice pack to it, you then rub orange peel along the shaft of the penis, take a shot of whiskey with a dash of bitters and a pinch of sugar, and when you swallow the shot, immediately deep throat the erect penis and lap a cherry into your mouth with your tongue, chew it, and swallow it.
You then say, "Ooh what a lovely Old Fashion"
Person#1 Would you like another old fashion?
Person #2 Yes, please. May I please get extra cherries on the next one?
Person #1 You got it!
Person #2 This is a lovely Old Fashion!
Person#1 The cocktail? Or the part where I just gave you an old fashion and deep throated you to get that cherry? I'm soooo drunk..
by Bael Sach November 2, 2023
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also HF Twitter, hft, hftw, hf twt, etc.

A twitter subculture that centers around fashion and style. Within it, people also have varied interests such as couture, deconstructionism, and anti-fashion.
High Fashion Twitter isn't only Westwood and Versace.
by sewagewater June 8, 2021
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