A dusty, old, Canadian who thinks he can control women.
Old Canadian man, "Hey, get your wife under control." American wife, "fuck off you old diaper bag!"
by Take a shot o jamo January 29, 2017
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When you lay a mad heat log that is long and smells like it was injected with venom.
Holy shit man! I went to use the bathroom and someone left a huge diaper viper coiled up there.
by dirtymurbag September 17, 2021
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This is the term for when someone vomits while still wearing their mask.
Tom had a full diaper after he got sick and started puking on the plane.
by Random_Wordz January 25, 2022
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I. When you observe a female's ass through any of the following:

a. Yoga pants/Gym pants
b. Pair of Jeans
c. Swimsuit Bottoms (1 & 2 Piece)
d. Sweatpants
e. Daisy Dukes
f. Any other tight-fitting, thin material

At which point you notice a lot of buldging and lumps trying to escape the underwear underneath; hence the large mass closely resembles a fully loaded diaper.
"Babe, don't look now, but that lady over there has a full diaper."
by Spitthetroof January 4, 2022
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A garbage bag used as a diaper to prevent your friend or loved one,who is a notorious bed wetter, from pissing on your couch in their sleep. The bed wetting is usually a result of excessive fluid consumption.
Dude, Timmy made me wear a white trash diaper after I pissed on his couch the last time I crashed at his place.
by Silverslash January 19, 2019
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A flirty baby. A baby version of lady killer or maneater. A baby who knows how to work it.
Watch out for that Vera, making eyes at baby Daniel, she’s a real DIAPER SNATCHER!
by Annie.milz October 18, 2019
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When your day is really in the dirt, shitty, and/or unmotivated
The world is crashing and you just cannot adult. It’s a poopy diaper day
by PurMagc September 21, 2021
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