Having intercourse in the back of a car where the female is bent over the back seat
I banged Abbie in the back seat yesterday, gave her a full backseat bender treatment.
by Daniel Allen Bitches February 29, 2016
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When Someone disappears for a day or more getting drunk and/ or high (shitfaced)
Frank: Where’ve you been Alex is 2 in the afternoon

Alex: I went on a bender last night & blacked out
by Anjolie March 18, 2018
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To drink an excessive amount / “be bent” , without sleeping for over 24 hours.
Preferably 5-6 days.

- If you tell or flaunt about being on a bender you are automatically so so so so so lonely and need to consider death
1 - “Oi Bree you stupid cunt let’s go onna bender

2 - “Bro that bender last weekend fucked me up”
by YaDaddysCum January 27, 2019
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British slang for a homosexual or gay person

Or a group of people consuming large quantities of beer.
"That new kid, Mark is a proper bender".

"Let's go on a bender everyone".
by Anonymous Dingle April 13, 2023
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