The sexiest guy alive. If you even get to talk to or look at someone names Tristan, consider yourself lucky. Because you’re a lucky ASS lady to be able to love a guy named Tristan. He’s got a nice, plump booty and a sexy ass face.
Did you see that sexy ass face over there???

“Yeah, that has to be a Tristan”
by Ladyladyfriendddd July 29, 2018
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Somebody who is an ass and will do what ever he can to get on your nerves
God tristan is such a faggot
by Joe Abernathy April 28, 2019
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Tristan is a thot that has fun with your grandma
Hi Tristan can I join you tomorrow
by RamboDude101 December 17, 2019
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A name given to people with very large heads. They tend to have the same haircut as caillu and have very small dicks. He gets no bitches and hangs out with losers, though he will deny it. Nobody likes people named Tristan. They are losers.
Fuck that Tristan kid. Nobody likes him.
by Theidjfjskfj June 29, 2019
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Is a complete ass who is also a man whore. Tristan makes for a shitty boyfriend and a terrible brother. He will always get himself into trouble. He is NOT to be trusted. He turns up out of the dark and uses people until he doesn’t need them anymore. He is a leech. Tristans are the bullies who need their shit knocked in. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
Fuck me, I met a Tristan today”

bItCh rUn
by Lilo&Stich27 May 21, 2020
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Tristan is the best friend anyone could have. He'll always be there for you and get you through really hard times. His jokes arent Funny but they're still gonna make you laugh everytime. He is really Precious and should See that.
,, you See that guy over there with that very special and pretty smile, that is a Tristan! "
by Caillou123 November 24, 2021
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Tristan is the name of a person who has subtle qualities for women.He is Friendly to all Women, and Not Bad for talking to men, he is Expert in adjusting Attitude according to Situations and Conditions.But he is not a person who is easily comfortable. If once he is comfortable with you, don't let go of the relationship, because if so, he will feel jealous and disappointed. He is possessive because He felt he was no longer needed.I guarantee it. Say goodbye to him, when you start looking for someone else to accompany your day and life.He will never come back As before, you will never see Tristan who exchanged Comfort with you.
She: Omg i think this guy is Interested in me as i am
Girls: Omg Congrats!!
Tristan: Congrats..( in Heart: Time to go)
by Tonight Thunder December 5, 2021
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