When one is ignorant of the power of coochie.
Person: Eh, I like girls but I can’t mess with the...
Me: “That’s coochie ignoration!”
by That one leo friend October 30, 2020
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The collective noun for a group of hate mongers. Reflected in their lack of factual information about the people they despise.
"The motion to ban books by LGBTQ+ authors was carried at the school board meeting by an ignorance of bigots."
by Dudge September 23, 2022
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Willful lack of knowledge: An seemingly small nuisance that is secretly the greatest problem in modern civilization. It has been used to justify some of the greatest atrocities humanity has ever committed, stunt and void necessary advances and progress on all fronts, and suppress the rights and opinions of others by no reasonable fault on their part. It is an all-encompassing ideology that spans most if not all of society in one way or another, whether it be small ideas like "It's just a (insert item here)." or major global historic events like the Trail of Tears; and if left unchanged will eventually be the downfall of mankind.
"...Many people would argue that ignorance is worse than knowledge..."
-Brian Cox
by Demise26 July 12, 2016
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A group of vehicles flying Trump flags.
Did you see that ignorance of trucks surrounding the Biden campaign bus yesterday?
by smarterblonde November 1, 2020
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To believe that your opinion or state of mind is always correct or right, when in reality there is very obvious evidence to suggest otherwise. In other words to act like a Melissa
Melissa thought that everyone wanted to be just like her to validate her own character, which truly showed her own ignorance.
by Rileyblondie6969 May 23, 2023
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Getting Your understanding and or definition of a proper word from this site !!
His ignorance was rooted in him using totally unreliable sources for the information he needed.
They proudly flaunted their ignorance spouting direct quotes from U.D.
by Nieman Nescio March 16, 2016
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