The Unspoken Rules Of Society are a bunch of rules only elite members of Society know. Some of the rules are: Never drink water out of a mug, rule number 11, never drink hot cocoa out of a regular cup, rule number 10, and rule number 12, never have a brighter ceiling light and a lamp on at the same time.
" Hey! That LOSER is drinking water out of a mug! He's breaking rule number 11 of The Unspoken Rules Of Society!"
by an_absolute_idiot February 22, 2021
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A girl whos natural way of life is just like everyone elses but because of how she dresses and talks people see her as a Barbie doll
Look at miss high society over there wearing a dress to a baseball game
by Ayewey December 29, 2020
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A place with high expectations that always find a way to kill any confidence you have left
Is this society?
by thisthingcalledlife December 10, 2019
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A social concept that a group of whores made.
We live in society-
by YourEmoChild16 September 18, 2020
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bullshit full of shitheads who hate each other

if your fat you get bullied.
if your thin people see that good.
if you have a disability people find that dumb.
if you have a nice house that’s flexing.
if you dress nice its flexing.
if you dress simple its poor.
if you dont have alot of money
thats bad.
people see u as a loser, with no friends.
Person 1: your skinny as hell eat a burger
Person 2: thats not nice!
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here October 5, 2021
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