applying current morals and sociopolitical judgements to situations without considering historical or social context
when a kid says John Lennon is a racist because he wrote a song called “woman is the n word of the world” without recognizing the context and purpose of the vulgar lyric. It’s not that I’m not woke- it’s that you’re being progressively ignorant. (progressive ignorance)
by reneebanana December 23, 2021
by Stu Pitt October 28, 2021
"The president is out there again...ready to "ignorize" the American public." (notice that didn't name names).
by JQP72 December 24, 2020
What you're doing... AND what I'M doing! GET IT!? It's a play on words! By shifting the context of the word IGNORANCE I make it so that I'M doing the same thing YOU'RE doing! Did you get it? Remember when I said that? Did you get it? Before I explained it, I mean.
Hym "Right. So, feinting ignorance is where you act as though you are unaware of information of which you are fully aware. But forms of bigotry such as sexism and racism and ablism are ALSO considered ignorance. So you could say that we are BOTH feinting ignorance, right? It's funny. Now, I now you're thinking 'You aren't really doing that! You're just saying to get away with it. You're ignorance is real.' And to that I say: YOU DON'T CARE! You don't give a single fuck about it. You just don't like the things I've said. AND I DON'T ANSWER TO YOU! You aren't an authority to which I can be held accountable. You're likely some piss-ant parent who's butt-hurt I said I don't care about you kids. Or are someone who doesn't like the idea of me not being worse than you. But it's funny right? Now that I explained it. It's kind of funny.... I'm one of the greatest comedy writers of all time, by the way. So... Yeah. That is all."
by Hym Iam April 27, 2023
a type of blindness that often emerges during PhD candidature and can become permanent after the defense of the thesis. Once firmly manifested it is difficult to cure.
Robert is such an Indoctrinated ignoramus that when his papers are logically refuted, he continues to publish as if nothing happened. or Indoctrinated ignorance is so rampant in Science and Politics that it is impossible to have a rational discussion in academic circles
by Christy le Grandiose August 31, 2022
a type of intellectual blindness that often emerges during PhD candidature and can become permanent after the defense of the thesis. Once firmly manifested it is difficult to cure.
Robert is such an Indoctrinated ignoramus that when his papers are logically refuted, he continues to publish as if nothing happened. or Indoctrinated ignorance is so rampant in Science and Politics that it is impossible to have a rational discussion in academic circles
by Christy le Grandiose August 31, 2022
Terminal ignore is when someone you are close to turns their back and ignores you on an ongoing basis for no reason .
John has put me on terminal ignore. I hear nothing from him and he is always too busy to speak with me .
by Kahamom October 30, 2019