Patrick knows that he will never be able to put his little ass penis in a girls sink stink.
by Twatatious Jill July 25, 2006
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While having anal intercourse the act of which one or both testicles end up in your partners vagina.
Got a little to rough last night... we finally played UPS and I delivered a package to the back door. Didn't know it would end with a cat in the kitchen sink.
by freakshowdaddy May 16, 2021
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The sexual act of tricking your girl into closing her eyes long enough for you to put the hook from your fishing pole through her pussy piercing. Bonus point for yelling, “Fish On” or “This is a big one”.
If she got a pussy piercing, you need to hook line and sink her.
by Jaid3d June 8, 2023
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to do anything and everything possible to save one's school/university semester that one is about to fail.
mother: George look at your grades. You' re failing your last year in high-school. Is there anything you can to save your sinking Titanic?

George: Lol. no. I think it's a little late to do anything about it now. I should have listened to you and partied less.

mother: At least it's worth a try, don't ya think so?
by Sexydimma August 20, 2012
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p1: man united are a sinking ship
p2: what's sinking ship
p3: it means that man united are absolute shit
by Matty likes phatty February 8, 2022
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Filling up with poop entirely by holding it in the body (preventing it from coming out) in a psychological sense. Describes the process through which someone becomes "full of shit". A.k.a becoming a sink for one's own poop.
Guy 1: "He's lying again about his relationships".
Guy 2: "Yea, he's sinking poopoo".
Guy 3: "At this rate he will truly become full of shit."

Soul 1: "The manager is gazing angrily and talking in a repulsive manner with the customers all the time.
Soul 2: "Regardless of her position we should do our best to stay away from poop sinkers".
Soul 3: "Too many people sink poop".
by TheRaptor? April 19, 2022
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