9 definitions by Matty likes phatty

another name for naples, florida ; not Indianapolis. gets its name because Republican snowbirds coming from northern US are always napping or being extremely laid back which is why it takes forever to get anywhere .
bro 1: Yo where u live ?
bro 2: naples

bro 1: U mean nap town ? EWWWWWW u living with old snowbirds???
bro 2: ...
by Matty likes phatty May 20, 2022
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public high school in Naples florida.

two types of people here : rich white potheads that only have cars because of daddy's money or white thots that fall for anyone who smokes heavy
dude 1: yo what school u go to ?
dude 2: gulf coast high
dude 1: ewww that school full of spoiled kids???
dude 2: still better than Barron :)
dude 1: ...
by Matty likes phatty May 20, 2022
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a footy club that is ridiculed by people for how good they are at being absolute shit. examples are manure, bottleham, chelski
p1: u watch the bottleham game bro?
p2: let me guess they bottled it again ?
p1: spot on fam they lost the carabao cup final to man city
p2: looooool what a banter club
by Matty likes phatty February 8, 2022
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probably the most hated club in the world for how good they are. Bought by a billionaire in 2008, but are actually successful cuz of their world-class manager Pep Guardiola. Rival fans, especially salty penchester united fans,are always making pathetic jokes about "plastic fans" and low attendance.
person 1: what club u support ?
person 2: man city

person 1: city have fans ???
person 2: how original, ur being salty bastard cuz city r the biggest team in manchester
by Matty likes phatty February 6, 2022
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stands for fuck Barron Collier, the most overrated school in naples florida
dude 1: Yoooo Barron just lost 7-1 to golden gate in soccer

dude 2: LMAOOOO FBC !!!!
by Matty likes phatty May 20, 2022
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Country that decides to use a different metric system than anywhere else in the world and calls football "soccer"
Person 1: what does usa stand for?
Person 2: stands for u suck ass
Person 3: Merica fuck yeah
Person 4: Do u know chata?
Person 5: no

Person 6: chata fuck up
by Matty likes phatty September 8, 2019
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p1: man united are a sinking ship
p2: what's sinking ship
p3: it means that man united are absolute shit
by Matty likes phatty February 8, 2022
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