by whitneyparker March 12, 2018
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When you YOLO it so hard and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh despacito}
I was playing RoBlOx and then uh yeet lol
by KirbyDictionary April 6, 2019
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As I walked through the halls I yeeted my plastic water bottle into the recycling bin.
by The Enchilada May 15, 2018
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Can be used when throwing something on the ground, or doing something reckless. Also can be used when talking about something disliked or saying something ans immediately after taking it back by saying "YEET!"
Katie: I love you!
Katie: YEET!
(in an ironic way)
Mark: *unties a friend's shoelace*
Mark: YEET!
by silver x 5sos December 5, 2016
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A word where which you do an awesome thing or win an argument. When you raise your arm, flick your wrist forward and say "Yeet"
Jonny: You're such a bitch

Marli: You say that like it's a bad thing. Bitches produce puppies, puppies are life!
Jonny: .......
Marli: Yeet! (walks away)
by WannaMess? June 18, 2017
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Used synonymously with "just kidding" (Example 1) or "no" in the sense of being asked a favor (Example 2).
Example 1:
*family walks by*
Fred: Holy shit! That family just caught on fire!
Brad: Woah man, really?
Fred: Yeet!
Brad: Dang man, got me again!

Example 2:
Guy with Crutches: Hey man, can you help me carry these groceries?
Other Guy: Yeet!
Guy with Crutches: Seriously though, can you help me?
Other Guy: Yeet!
*more laughter
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A nonsense word. Also rather commonly used to describe the act of something being thrown or launched.
by Aqxer January 9, 2019
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