a group of few fuckers that want to be exactly the same like one of my best friend. they're acting like him, wearin similar clothes, two of them even got a hairstyle like he does. every "wannabe Matys" almost admires him, but he hates this act of copin his own style. they're also suckin to him every moment and it's so pathetic. he's always gettin fuckin angry when they're doin such things.
1) wannabe Matys nr.2: hey, Matys, wouldn't be great if we all buy this same shirt and then wear it in the sql?
my friend: fuck off, ya mothetfuckin wannabe!

2) plumber: look Mateo, I've bought you flowers, I love you, I don’t want to be like you, I WANT TO BE YOU!!
by Janczor April 6, 2007
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Pepole that think there hard but there just some soft kid from the suburbs
by Anonymous taco kid March 9, 2019
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An unconfident male who wants to be seen to be an Alpha male but lacks the qualities of a true Alpha. They act out traits they believe an alpha would do, but lack insight, for instance an Alpha would never call themselves one or behave in the way a wannabe alpha would. They are Toxic males that are lacking in any class. Real Alphas are usually successful and have high paying jobs, natural leaders and command respect, but have personal insight. The biggest difference is a man with genuine alpha traits respects other people's personal boundaries. A rum wannabe doesn't know where they end and the other person begins. Wannabes are usually low down in the working class demographic and think being a Man is about simply competing with other males for societal hierarchy which results in annoying the sh*t out of their peers. Alphas can be likeable, wannabes are never liked by anybody and have few if any real friends. Wannabes are tormented souls who need pity not respect.
"Tim is such a Try-hard alpha wannabe, he's throwing his toys out because I could bench press more than him, now he's not speaking to me"
by Melloj1 October 6, 2022
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Someone who named Asia or who nicknamed chyna is a Asian wannabe when they know they born some other race that’s not Asian like Chinese Japanese and Korean
Someone named Asia or Chyna is a wannabe asian
by HatefakeWannabes March 17, 2022
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Someone who named Asia or nicknamed Tokyo and or chyna is a fake wannabe asian knowing your parents not born asian like Chinese Japanese and Korean wannabes are pathetic
Chyna and Tokyo are pathetic wannabes because of their name they know their parents not born Asian they know they not Asian they are wannabe asian
by HatefakeWannabes March 17, 2022
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A wannabe cheeto girl is a Janet who says that she's a bruh girl.
Janet: I'm toootally a bruh girl!
y/n: No you're a wannabe cheeto girl without cheetos
Janet: How can I get cheetos? I live in Norway!
by Anyone AKA Tina October 2, 2020
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A person who acts as if they could kill you... while YOU have your hand wrapped around your S&W Governer.
That wannabe-g is trying to get laid by talking shit... I think I will hurt him.
by JawwBone November 15, 2019
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