When your having sex and she too fat to make to bathroom
She gave me potted meat one night after tacos
by Pupper Dog March 23, 2023
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As a way to propose the idea of having sex, a man lays his erect perish on a tray or pan and covers it with a lid/cloth/towel. He then takes the covering off and offers it to her, as if serving a meal.
"Have you tried doing the meat pan? It works, like: 'dinner is served, Babe!'"
by ndunkeljensen June 10, 2023
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A more respectful way of saying “meat curtains” or “beef curtains”.
Andy: Hey listen, those shorts are far too skimpy, one can almost see your meat blinds

Simon: Andy, I’ll wear what I want, and, for the last time, I have balls.
by Pogoextreme April 1, 2021
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When a person is on your case
Bro that teacher is is on my meat
by On my meat January 20, 2018
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Man meat with pieces of poop on (usually corn) after anal sex.
Also a reference to Corned Beef, which is also known as bully beef
"Bro don't you love eating Corned Meat?"
"Hell yeah brother, I love the chocolaty after taste!"
by Blyat lol I'm a philanthropist November 11, 2020
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