When a past hookup continuously pops up in your life no matter how much time has time past. If you say their name 3 times they will appear sometime in the near future. You will never escape them, even on your wedding day. They will always be there.
Me: You'll never believe who just added me on snapchat after 3 years of silence
Friend: Weren't we just talking about him the other day?

Me: I knew we shouldn't have said his name! it's the bell effect!
by romancomz November 14, 2016
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Going to your mates house for a few too many, passing out then waking up at 4:15 in the morning, realising you have to get up for work at 6 and going home. Skulling back half a litre of milk and having a tactical nap before work.
Usually not speaking from experience or anything.
Wow, did you see frogface last night? He had the commodore effect! What a legend.
by WackyBacky April 3, 2018
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An effect that happens to men in regards to only seeing ugly women for an extended period of time, in which they begin to see ugly women as attractive.

This consistently happens to men who work too much, and dont go out often. Especially in low paying, night shift jobs.

Its called the island effect because one is isolated from the attractive, outside world.
Duderbroseph: I dunno what it is about Esmeralda, but she really seems hot lately

Sane person: uhhh... when was the last time you went somewhere besides work and home?

Duderbroseph: i dunno, like a month?

Sane: Island effect.

Duderbroseph: Shit...
by poopiehead1234x5xx March 22, 2012
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or ISVEE; The process where, after somebody dies, society and the government value the person who died less as time passes by. The more time that has passed since the person died, the less society and the government value them as an individual. How rapidly this process occurs depends on how important society viewed the person as being, how they died, and how many close friends and family the individual had.
Person 1: Isaiah was nice guy. Its a shame more people don't remember who he was and how much he helped this community. Its only been five years since he died.
Person 2: Yeah. Unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten about him and value him that much anymore. He is a victim of the Individual societal value erosion effect, which is very unfortunate.
Person 1: I agree with you there.
by Vanguard 1998 January 23, 2021
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The Zach Effect, also simply called Zach Effect is referring to when a guy gets a haircut, and because of that, looks younger. This often only applies to guys who had noticeably longer hair before their haircut. This is sometimes because the guy had short hair when they were younger, and has just got it back, but the effect can happen otherwise as well.
"Did you see Max's new haircut?"
"Yeah, dude. That's the Zach effect at work."
by barf flavored soda January 21, 2023
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It is when you SMEAR any part of your BODY with SHIT but especially your FANNY.
To get the most optimal COOLING EFFECT is stand in front of the fan where' the FAN BLADE is inside the protector as then the SHIT HITS THE FAN especially on YOUR FANNY at no RISK with great feelings and excellent aromatic SHIT FUMES to enjoy.
by PEDOPHILE PEDOPHILE August 30, 2021
When something that happens to you in real life can be compared to an outlandish movie that you have seen
Guy 1:Man, a brick flew off a semi on the freeway and struck my windshield basically knocking the whole windshield into my lap!
Guy 2:That’s that special effects shit dude, FUCK THAT!
Guy 1:I know man, like my eyes flashed right before my eyes
Guy 2:*Looks at car* Holy Shit dude!, yeah I would have crapped my pants. Glad I wasn’t in the car.
by Suckmyyouknowwhat August 2, 2019
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