When females do something that is not the same with guys.
Girl talking to another girl: “OMG GURL UR GORGEOUS IF YOU HAD MEAT I WOULD EAT IT UP🤤🤤”
Guy talking to another guy: “MAN I WANNA SLAP U IN THE FACE WITH MY MEAT
Girl: “EWW what the hell?”
Guy: i’m sorry ma’am now would you like turkey or ham?” -double standards.
by Realshit76 June 12, 2023
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something that bitches uses against men
"you cant hit me i'm a woman" as double standards
by daddysaddy April 27, 2022
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Person 1: Can you let me off the bill, please?

Person 2: Sure, but standard contract will apply.
by geoshelley November 26, 2013
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standard is normal,casual,issue,standard issue,normal issue,ellie and Matt smoke pot on a mon and Friday-join us
Matt-“nose piercings are fit
Ellie-“standard tackle”
by vickett n harlett January 16, 2019
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Ap·pa·la·chian (noun)
\ˌa-pə-ˈlā-ch(ē-)ən, -ˈla-, -sh(ē-)ən\
a native or resident of the Appalachian mountain area

The Appalachian Standard is a sexual position in which a male homosapien has a female in the standard missionary position while having her large breast in the headlock.
As he thrusted his purple headed warrior into her quirvering mound of love pudding; he carefully positioned himself to conquer her large breast in the The Appalachian standard sexual position.
by JayT.P a.k.a frognuts November 26, 2011
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It is a complex mathematical algorithm, that defines any Alpha Irish male's exponential decay of standard for a female companion for the night. The two variables of this algorithms are,

1) how much Guinness he had so far &

2) what time of the night it is.

JB Standart has a inverse exponentially proportional relation with these two variables. As night goes on, and the more he has to drink; the lower his standard gets.
John: Yo Milton, what's the JB Standard for her
Milton: 3 Guinness down by 9, she will be a 9.
by Mathgeek. May 6, 2016
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"Stop That Awful Noise!" A "nuclear-level" version of da "first-and-foremost" or "usual" or "most frequently voiced" order --- "Be quiet" --- dat parents give their small children on innumerable occasions.
Lucy van Pelt super-loudly passed along da STANdard parental-directive from her mom --- a gentle request dat she and her visiting friends play their raucously-loud "cowboys and Indians" game more quietly --- to her toddler-brother Linus when he'd merely been shaking his baby-rattle; da joke, of course, was dat (A) da merely-faint sounds dat Linus was making were hardly even audible (especially compared to all of da shrill-'n'-noisy "shoot-'em-up bang" whooping and hollering dat Lucy and her friends had previously been carrying on with), and (B) she herself had absolutely b-e-l-l-o-w-e-d (indicated by a sawtooth-edged word-balloon instead of just a regular smooth words-enclosing line) said command ("Didn't you hear Mother?! STOP THAT AWFUL NOISE!!"), and so she herself was making an infinitely-louder racket than Linus had ever produced.
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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