The dying religion in which a supposed "Savior" (Jesus Christ) was nailed to a cross because he was good at pissing off the romans and jews. Something that they may not tell you about Christianity: a few hundred years ago, the catholic church burned scientists at the stake because they found out what really happens with rainbows, why ice floats, why the story of Noah and the Ark could not have possibly happened, etc.

The religion that is completely ruled out by science.
Christian: Jesus died for your sins be grateful damnit!! I am completely ready to die for my beliefs because I know the TRUTH. You should be like me and give every dollar you earn to the church.
Normal Person: you know that when you die, you rot in the ground right?
Christian: That's bullshit. You may not, but I'm going to heaven because I've got Jesus in my heart.
Normal Person: wait wait wait. If your "christ" is real, then make him do something to prove it.
Christian: No! That's blasphemy! Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God!
Normal Person: Well if you're gonna puss out...
Christian: Fine. *prays for forgiveness* what did you have in mind?
Normal Person: If there's a god, he'll make a lightning bolt flash across the sky.
10 minutes later
Normal Person: see? I told you
Christian: Fuck you man! I've got faith!!
Normal Person: *walks away* oh my fucking god...what an idiot
by Used to be Christian March 10, 2005
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The belief that some Cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you simbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that it present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
by faketheway November 25, 2009
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An Abrahamic religion that probably only one person, which was Jesus Christ, practiced correctly. Followers of this religion we see today are rude to Islam and Muslims and they fund Jews to kill them. They also love to try to forcefully convert every non-Christian to Christian. Christianity would be a peaceful religion if most people that followed it weren't like that.
Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity
by Sususs Amongus July 5, 2021
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A for profit terrorist organization that uses child exploitation through indoctrination, genocide, and persecution of all who don't share the same beliefs down to the parts of their identity that religion doesn't dictate to begin with as weapons to gain supremacy with only people who fit the “what straight white christian society accepts beauty standard & stereotype” being safe from harassment in the streets while the vast majority of people who are parts of any denomination of Christianity actively attack, degrade and insight violence against the rest, especially Catholicism and Evangelicals while most Christians only claim to disagree when confronted to disassociate themselves while supporting these issues by not calling them out and letting them continue leaving them responsible for almost ALL issues in western society today and the destruction of cultures, ethnicities, families, friendships, relationships and the earth that can never be restored.

Christianity is also a trauma induced mental illness(aka religious trauma syndrome) that leaves victims with poor cognitive functions, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts & attempts to commit suicide, guilt, problems sleeping, nightmares, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, substance abuse, social issues, development delay while being constantly afraid of going to hell for thinking the wrong thought by accident such as intrusive thoughts with the mental illness aspect being a top reason it still exists in the 21st century.
Christianity needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth through the use of forced deprogramming, laws and proper education as they had more than 2000 years to fix what they knew was wrong from the beginning therefore deserve no more chances.
by 36368876 August 24, 2022
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The youngest of the religions to use the same common equation.

Take someone who is supposedly the son of god, he lamb of god,(or one of the many names Jesus christ was given.) Make his birth a virgin birth on December 25. Give him special powers. Add 12 more people to the mix (Disciples, students, hookers). A betrayer who turns on the 'Son Of God'. Crucify him, wait three days for his resurrection and get Radical (2492.683) over 9673.

If their are any holidays based around this beings life than take them out with the pleasure of getting to put up a tree for the beings life (any tree will do. Just remember, if it's a Palm tree is it now {Insert Religion Here} Tree.) And painting some form of food with food dye and vinegar. Don't forget the presents.

Christianity - A religion in which plagiarism has been used...for like the hundredth time. It's sad, you think people back two thousand and some odd years ago would have more imagination. The fact that they took the idea from several religions (all of which were based on different religions them self which were in turn based on different religions...etc...) and then made it one of the most respected religions in the world is beyond me.

Why can't I do shit like that for my homework without getting in trouble?
Sinning is a sin
Stealing is a sin
Christianity is a sin...
by MoRPHiNe April 5, 2008
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A festering, pus-filled, malignant and incurable tumor on the sphincter of humanity.
The religion of Christianity has killed millions of ignorant followers for eons. It's a fatal disease.
by MetalBear427 May 29, 2013
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A way of thinking centered around rules and restrictions created by an unseen entity who is said to have unimaginable power. This is a philosophy based on fear. One's fear of contempt causes an individual to behave in a desired and dictated fashion. This "desired" way of life is dictated by mortals, men and women, people who should have no authority on propriety. Those that are needy, or find themselves in a rut, or a slump of sort, commonly gravitate toward this institution searching for a crutch to help curb the bitterness of reality, to give them an out. These people are known as "Christians." These Christians feel that by decieving themselves into believing that there is a higher power, a reason to it all, and that there is someone out there who will, after all is said and done,love them, they should reach some sort of peace with themselves and the world around them. Unfortunately, no peace is ever attained. Doubt constantly plagues their minds, causing them to delve deeper into this pretend world of promised deliverance. This is an organization where the lost, weary, and broken can congregate to collectively search through practicing preordained ceremonies said to
bring one closer to this "higher power." All of which is conducted in vain, because what they ultimately seek is their shared thirst for acceptance.
Christianity is no more than a mere crutch with no solidity, or legitamacy to take hold of.
Christianity is Lacking the validity that one might seek before entrusting his or her own well being.
by Anonymous April 2, 2003
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