To move a date no more than 5 business days in the future
I 6.2’d Fred this morning to move lunch, now we’re having lunch in 5 business days.
by Depressed Fish August 22, 2023
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When a friend says they want to hangout with you, but then ignores you, and doesn't hang out.
Jim:"Did Derek text you back, when he was going to head over?"
Jerry:"No, I think he's pulling a D-rock tonight..."
by FuckingShitFaceCum August 12, 2017
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1. Exclamation used when someone says anything about their girlfriend, mom, or sister. Used in situations where you really don't care about what they have to say.

2. For when someone doesn't feel like saying on my dick.
Joe: My my girlfriend....(starts to complain)
Chuck: Is on my D!!!!
by Mah Pie November 21, 2011
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football d is when you put a football inside a womens pu$$y and then kick her around with your friends
jake: yo bro i just football d her

micheal: bro let’s play
by stellasucksd November 21, 2021
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BID D PROT PUMPER YESYESYES” is a verb used to describe when something or someone is doing something extraordinary.
“Damn look at Vividia’s damage on this boss, he’s such a BIG D PROT PUMPER YESYESYES”
by Mr sneakysnek July 5, 2022
This person can be very annoying and obsessive and a lil bitch and can be jealous .However don’t listen to anything he says that’s bad as he don’t mean it, and he’s always sorry. Forgive him as he cares and don’t want to on bad terms with you
The word “Harley D means he will stop being a dick and talk to you about other stuff, you need to forgive him first, he will focus on talking to you just because your amazing
by HHDeeg03 October 11, 2019
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A term used to describe 5 types of quests, which make a bulk of quests in MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games):

1.) Destroy
2.) Deliver
3.) Discover
4.) Defend
5.) Drop
"Nobody is saying abandon the 5 D's, but you can add each quest an individual flavour.."
by Lokosicek June 30, 2017
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