The newest book by the Pro-hate author Ann Coulter.
Are you picking up the book "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans"? No I actually live in the real world.
by Blarg07 October 4, 2007
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Democrats are stupid, and Republicans are stupid. Deal with it, and don't get on everybody's case just bc of their views. jeez.
everyone just needs to chill tf out. Not all democrats are crazy, just the people that make the news.
by imsorryifurnameiskyle May 15, 2022
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a person or a individual who votes for joe biden and and is in the black live's movement or fights for civil rights for blacks or people of dark skin and supports of homosexuality a democracy
by engineer_gaming420 January 27, 2022
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An intelligent person who didn't vote for a racist, homohpobic cheeto puff lookin ass boy.
Me: I'm a democrat
by some random trans kid January 2, 2023
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A political ideology advocating a transition to a socially owned economy through democratic means. Democratic socialism is not to be confused with social democracy (an ideology that advocates for a mixed economy and a welfare state, while retaining the structure of capitalism).
Notable advocates of Democratic socialism include Clement Attlee, Jeremy Corbyn, Eugene V. Debs, Albert Einstein, and Martin Luther King Jr.
by AlphabetMafia2663 September 27, 2022
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An individual who joined the Democratic Party of America after Bernie Sanders 2012 and 2016 presidential campaign. This group is considered more liberal then mainstream democrats and have pushed the party further to the left on social and environmental issues.
All them youngins became Bluebird Democrat's after Sanders run. Yellowdogs never had a chance.
by OrikvonLikten November 2, 2021
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World Democratic Centralism is a practice in which political decisions reached by voting processes are binding upon all members of the world political party or of the world political council or committee. World democratic centralism is considered as the centralist wing of World Federalism, where the world democratic institutions would be able to take political decisions on the same model as democratic centralism such as the world political parties would adopt democratic centralist practices for their administrations and decisions.
"World democratic centralism is advocated by left world federalists and by several world federalists who agree there should be a party system at world level such as have a centralized world administration for deal with the world as a unified country where it is becoming necessary nowadays."
by Full Monteirism March 22, 2021
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