When you place the handle of maracas in a Brazilian woman's anus so it rattles when she shakes her hips.
My girl came by the house last night and played her Brazilian maracan cornhole last night , and believe me her hips don't lie.
by jpfister October 30, 2020
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When you place the handle of

a maracas in a Brazilian woman's anus so when she shakes her hips you hear the shakers
Shakira came by the house and played her brazilian maracan cornhole last night , and her hips didn't lie.
by jpfister October 30, 2020
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to splatter liquid feces on your significant other while in the act of coitis.
"i gave her a nose full of my brazilian hott mudd"

"you nasty bean"
by BiG_OwL May 20, 2010
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when a woman inserts a tampon, then the man craps into the vaginal opening. the man then proceds to slowly pull the string of the tampon, until it is out. bvc.
me and my girlfriend are going to my place to do some brazilian cheeze wagon.
by vannb25 April 30, 2011
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When you’re getting throat fucked by another dude so hard his cum comes out of his nose.
Bro, Shawn hit me with the Brazilian hog rider last night and now I can’t even snort coke without tasting cum.
by FettyWhopper690 March 24, 2023
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When a man or women recently shaved their perineum and/or around their anus and the result is several and severe razor bumps.
"Yeah, she does anal, but like.
She has a Brazilian Turkey."
by PeskyBoi January 4, 2021
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