Patriotism is the anomaly where one is such a fangirl/boy, that they look past all wrong caused by their idol and love them no matter what. These people call themselves patriots so they are not called stupid for their unhealthy obsession with the person or country. You can find many such people online who will constantly harass someone who says anything remotely bad about their idol. This usually results in the “patriots” threatening the other person with death threats. (Trump “patriots”)
smart man: why is Donald Trump so insensitive to the world. It's just not right.
Patriot/Trump Supporter: What the frick dude, Ima gonna come to you house and destroy u. (patriotism in it's finest)
by HyperactiveUnicorn January 3, 2018
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Patriotism is when someone is pretty damn into their country
Look at that lad he's the embodiment of patriotism
by Twins_bob May 9, 2021
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Patriotism is the belief that your country is superior to all others.
Patriotism is an arrogant way of thinking.
Probably why the US people are so fond of it.
by !fish July 19, 2022
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A weak individual who lacks identity and intelligence and due to family pressure or failed education system waffles between loyalties endangering and embarrassing all nations involved
"Ay devil why does that idiot have a mexican flag tattoo if he's in the US military?" "Oh that's pepe he's a trans patriot"
by McGraze September 4, 2021
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A subject who has no home their loyalty waffles between homelands to fit their immediate needs.

An individual with no self esteem who's family or public school system permanently ruined the concept of nationality
"ay devil why's that moron have a mexican flag tattoo if he's in the US military?" "oh he's a trans patriot". "oy dos mio, why won't our mexican brethren help us down here?" "they're all collecting benefits in America, trans patriots are a protected class up there..."
by McGraze September 4, 2021
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oh god they're all gay.
Person one: Who are you and why are you in my house?
Person two: I'm a member of the Union County Highschool Patriot Band.


"Golf on three. 1, 2, 3"
by Evan 🌱 November 21, 2021
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The social media tactic of putting out content that would make a MAGA patriots dick hard, but make it a little socialist/anti-capitalist
Q: Why did you quote AOC but credit Trump?
A: Patriot fishing- you know they won’t look up who came up with the idea as long as they think it comes from their cult leader and/or wrapped in an American flag
by Iron jawed angel December 16, 2021
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