When an individual is beyond the normal hangover and is concurrently experiencing levels of grief simultaneously. Most likely this individual will wake up and not know where they are or who they are with. And also most likely is over the age of 30.
When I woke up to take the dogs out, Brittnee woke up all crispy and questioned where she was.
by Bteets June 13, 2022
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A shot and a bowl is bound to make you feel crispy!
by ZakiahGrant July 5, 2021
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a member of a very powerful and important group
Tom: Are you in the crispygang?
John: Yes!
Tom: *kneels down*
by crispycucumber October 3, 2019
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Person 1 :Hey vro that's a crispy douche flute

Person 2 : Thanks vro
by lil degenerate April 21, 2017
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Crispy is a word for someone who steals clothes from poor people
Omg I hate her she’s so Crispy!
by Lukers4 March 12, 2021
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"How do you feel?"
"Cool, no, wait... I feel crispy!"
by This party is CRISPY December 17, 2017
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