the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world. she's the best and i love her more than anything.
My name is milo and i love quinn 🤫🤫
by baconsoapy August 17, 2022
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Guy: Ayo is that quinn?

Guy2: ya they're chill

Guy: 🍄 ?

Guy2: 🍄 .
by JohnDoe:) July 12, 2021
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annoying little ginger bitch shit that no one likes and wishes would just leave immediately
Quinn: "hi guys"
Guys: "FUCK OFF"
by Treestone00 May 3, 2023
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Dummy girl, usually wears sweaters and sucks at volleyball jk. She acts like she is a mom and she is also cough short cough.
Person 1: make sure u text me when u home.

Person 2: awe you are such a quinn.
by Smort dude February 1, 2019
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Quinn's are usually overweight and not very good at sports. Quinn's are always good at video games. So good that his mom smells like a bitch. pretty much Quinn's are just waste mans.
by booty catcher October 28, 2019
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the most amazing person you will ever meet. they are so so sweet and pretty. if you ever meet a Quinn then you are very lucky<3
person: that person over there is so pretty
other person: thats quinn
by 11510 October 31, 2021
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