Jaquavius rat paige thompson the III is a very athletic boy whos white girl name is paige from dance moms he likes cocaine and sometimes transforms into a RAT
yo jaquavius rat paige thompson the III pass me the cocaine
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two super sexy ladies
who are the meaning of fly

and are fo sho b-b-b-ballin'
thupper thearial

oh yep and bfffl's

"dude dude dude do the math Paige+Grace=sexy mother fuckers , i should know i got a 78% in math dude or a 54%, but im not sure fer sure but i am fer sure sure that they are kickin in the gentials good lookin ladiess"-glen
by lets screw July 6, 2009
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A commonly used word, used to define a fat overweight slut, whom consumes alcohole, and then pukes black. paige-wank loves the taste of weed. and usualy has sex on the street, can carry geneticaly dissorderd diseases threw he fupa, and passes them on with a single touch. be aware this disease is uncurrable and highly contagious.
OHMYYY GOSH i think i have a Paige-wank-la fank!
by BOYFUCKENCRAZY. August 18, 2011
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a paigee is a great gal, one who you can relate to and one you can trust. everyone should find a paige as a friend
girl1: omg... that girl is soooo nice!
girl2: no duh! she is a paigee!
girl1: oh... wait... i dont get it!
girl2: omg... all paiges are great! jeez!
by kattums94 April 21, 2009
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An absolute bad bitch. Sets all society’s standards. Absolutely amazing.
Wow you’re amazing, you’re like Paige Tapara

Omg you’re such a Paige Tapara
by Crankdatsouljaboii November 23, 2021
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