Getting besorgt means to do or say something stupid or nonsensical.
“You just got besorgt!”
by Edna913 November 15, 2019
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This phrase is uttered when someone outwardly has every intention of having some ones back or helping them out, but internally they know they will not help out at all.
Your friend Jason is being hauled off to jail from the bar for being drunk and disorderly. While you could go down to the police station to bail him out, you'd rather go back into the bar to continue the fun times. So while he's being placed into the squad car you proclaim to him "I got you Bays!"
by JBays99 April 19, 2023
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Usually asked by a junkie who needs 2 bucks to get him, or herself a shot of dope from someone at a homeless camp.
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Two people in a discussion. One is loosing the argument and drops the f…..bomb.
The other person says yea: that’s all you got!
I say in response to someone’s statement “that’s a lie, and you know it”. The person says to me f…. you mother f…..! I say yea: that’s-all you got!, you’re done because That’s-All You Got!
by drteebro September 26, 2021
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What you would tell your friend after you scare them.
You: (to your friend) "BOOO!"
You: "You Got Spooked Boi!"
by therealistmintoreos21 May 10, 2017
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