- extremely in your feels usually over a person or experience , it can be happy or sad, usually excessively happy

- speechless; very much feeling emotional
"wow the thought of you holding my hand made me so emo!"
by lovers1111lane333 April 12, 2021
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Someone who wears two belts instead of one, who quotes emo songs in their statuses, and who straightens their hair and wears guyliner.
God that Donovan kid is so emo.
by ninny muggins June 10, 2011
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It stands for emotional. That's it. Nothing else.
Emo Girl: *starts crying in the corner for unknown reason*
Some Random Douchebag: Why are those emos always crying?
Random Douchebag's Friend: Do you not know it stands for emotional?
by FieryPegasus00 March 15, 2018
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A much attacked subclass of 90's hardcore, clearly not beaten up enough >.>

Seriously, how many definitions are needed?
by Holy Mother! September 10, 2009
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People who enjoy pain. Usually dress in all black
Yo did you see that guy dressed in all black
Yeah, he must be freakin emo
by GingerIsRetarded February 20, 2012
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