Where you always get ill at holiday time
Alix, "It's carnival and I feel like shit!"
Sara, "Of course, you've got inappropriate illness syndrome."
by SpeakEasy Institute February 13, 2010
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contrary to most poker wisdom,it is the strongest hand in all forms of poker;the 2 and 3 of clubs.
I was holding pocket aces and pushed all in preflop.I was snapped called by Mike who was holding the mic ill and I was brought to my knees by its awesomeness and defeated. nh sir
by Royal Brunson June 18, 2007
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if someone says something thats something u can say to the,
Sarah: your ugly as shit Hannah: ill treat ur ass
by whothesegoofyswannabe August 28, 2023
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I stole a case full of ill ish.
by Lane gadinas February 4, 2003
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Telling people you are iller than you actually are for attention. Also applies to image posts on social media.
He's can't be that ill, I saw him running around town. He's totally ill-fishing for attention.
by Pikuntchu April 20, 2021
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the complete optimal human, that harbours near super-seyan, god like powers. this being of pure power is male 110% of the time, and has no weakness except maybe his awesomeness has to be toned down when interacting with the rest of humanity just so our senses are not overloaded with awesome. often can be found having a mid morning brunch with Allah, Buddha or any other celestial beings of the like. it is rumoured that joe 'ill and god tossed a coin to see who had to make the world, though this has yet to be proven.
Person 2: yea, he must have been in contact with a joe 'ill recently had inhaled some secondary awesome.
by Militant_pigmi February 25, 2012
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Popularized by RinnoDaGoat on Youtube, Ill smack five outta you means I will take all 5 of my fingers and smack you into next week.
"Aye I bet I could beat cho ass." " Say some shit like that again and ill smack five out chu."
by UndercoverHoodlum August 18, 2022
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