verb; an explanation given during a drunken stupor- a "blackout" - either emotional, humorous, or devastatingly realistic.
"Dude, do you remember Megan telling that story about 'good evaluation vs. normal evaluation' at 3am? That story went on was such a verbal blackout"
by alexhc August 12, 2008
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When you accidentally say a word that sounds like another word, even though they have completely separate meanings.
Teacher: "So, class, today I am going to teach you about single-celled orgasms (organisms)"

by Y0UR_REAL_NAME. October 18, 2022
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someone who talks 100 mph during a conversation which makes that person sound like a fourteen year old girl
this chick came up to me and started talking 100 mph after a minute of listening i had enough and said "you sound like a verbal fourteen year old"then i just walked away, she was still talking.
by superiorbreed August 3, 2018
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A term coined by Samawnline which refers to a person who impulsively or frequently copies, or 'steals', words or phrases they saw someone else use.
If when you find rarely used adjectives which apply to yourself, you immediately and impulsively take them and use them to your own benefit or to describe yourself, you could be described as a verbal kleptomaniac.
by Samawnline October 12, 2018
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The word to describe when a person gives verbal
what the fuck is this verbalism
by Reliable definitions October 31, 2022
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When a low form drug addict talks shit or creates sentences with there small annoying dumb ass minds that are lies or highly exaggerated in order to impress their “victim” (any individual they are speaking to) or to appear to be more then they are/ appear to have more then they do/ appear to be something that they are not/ appear to own something that they do not. In short, verbal communication made by a junkie that is not to be believed, unbelievable or large chains of small talk interconnected that the victim does not give a fuck about.
Man, this fucking guy, just all junkie verbal spatter all day long, I can’t be fucked listening to him.
by False.Pulse June 3, 2022
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When a friend forces you to be quiet for a period of time, because you've said something stupid.
"I'm gonna have to put you on verbal probation." "Jennifer said something dumb again. She's currently on verbal probation."
by Mac May May October 4, 2016
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