The most disgusting food you will ever find. Do not try it.
Pannie threw up when she ate the popcorn flavored ice cream. (This actually happened!)
by i<3Darwin March 2, 2010
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On the popular reality series Jon and Kate plus 8 Kate Goslin screams this phrase so her kids will come and get their popcorn.
Often also seen on the soup.
by doodleoodle December 7, 2009
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A phrase used (usually while drunk) to try and pick up a person. If they say yes, then they like you.
Kelsey: You Want My Popcorn?

Nick: uhm, no.

Kelsey: you hate me?!

Nick: what are you talking about?
by Jizztastict and Weiner Wiesel January 26, 2011
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Anytime one feels a remote sense of defeat.

Imagine stepping into an empty popcorn bucket and being unable to shake it from your foot OR driving over an empty popcorn bucket, and listening as it drags underneath your car for miles.
"Man, I can't finish this paper. I'm totally dragging a popcorn bucket, here."
by Amy Danger February 6, 2010
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This refers to watching someone else's arguments or difficulties for amusement.
my boss has no idea what the hell he is talking about, i am going to sit back and eat some popcorn.
by person00009384 May 7, 2009
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Where usually at the movies a guy will cut the bottom out of popcorn box and stick his pecker through the hole where as his girlfriend also eats popcorn unaware out of the box she will discover his pecker in it.
by The Fury 13 September 26, 2010
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When you're having sex on your friends couch with a girl dressed as popcorn.
Man 1: "Hey what is Jonathan doing on your couch with that girl dressed as popcorn?"

Man2: "Oh you know, it's popcorn time"
by Auriohn September 15, 2021
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