When the division and "hate" between two political figures, parties, countries, etc. is predominantly fabricated, and both parties/figures are on much better terms with each other than what they portray, all to benefit their own personal interests.
"Dude, did you see the picture of the Clinton's with Trump at his wedding? I thought they hated each other!"
"Bro, their hatred for each other is just some watering hole politic."

Water(ing) hole politics came to me in a fever dream. Derives from how animals were thought to put aside their prey/predator interactions when at a watering hole. This turned out to be a myth, just like how even the friendly banter of two political opponents which supposedly hate each other behind the scenes is likely fake too, as both candidates are acting nice to each other behind curtains for their own personal gain, and likely don't even like each other.
by Lolo Spaghetti November 10, 2020
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A person who completely fails at playing musical instruments they touch. They are usually Band Kids, Choir Kids, or Drama Club Kids
Person A: Fails at playing guitar
Person B: Wow, he’s like a Brit in the Water
by StarBiscuit February 17, 2023
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Water Cup is when your being a bit of an idiot so stupid in a way
friend 1: did you know the earth is flat

by Alehlete July 8, 2021
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Putting tofu in plain clear water with lemon as garnish
Mike: I’m vegan. Do you have any vegan water?
Me: “gives interested face.”
by doodHigh June 3, 2023
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A fello from chug water Wyoming with a abnormally wide yet stubby penis
by BigPanda3456 March 10, 2023
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