A concoction consisting of Country Time pink lemonade, vodka and lite beer.
Drinking unicorn urine will cause brain damage.
by TwentyCommittee July 11, 2014
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The act of standing at a public urinal with urinal shock & pretending to pee. This is done in order to avoid you looking weird to guys in the urinals next to you. Usually finished off with a fake snake shake & a loud, satisfied "ahhh".
"There was a queue! I couldn't just stand there waiting for the piss to come. I had to do some urinal miming & get the hell out."
by John Superman December 6, 2013
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When an individual empties his bowels in a urinal, and leaves a streak of shit.
Did you see that crusty urinal streak?
by BenEthanLucasGay October 29, 2019
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Johnson made a urinal brownie in the Grand Island high school bathroom. It was quite the sight to see.
by Dr. Jeffrey July 1, 2017
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When you use a urinal (guys only, obviously) and then you discover you accidentally put your boxers on backwards and can't find slit.
"Man I cant believe I Urinal Walled myself, quick grab a papertowel"
by Druid4leaf July 15, 2014
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Pure urine, mostly comprised of H2O, and excess water-soluble nutrients. If drug tested this urine sample would pass with flying colors. Also used in replacement of phrases like “aw crap” and “ew gross poo water”.
by CaptainPlank12 September 25, 2020
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Doing electrical work while putting oneself at risk by working with body grounded.
Better put on boots and gloves before working on potentially live wiring. You may as well have one foot in the urinal.
by barber of seville July 31, 2022
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