Buying anything you want regardless of value under the basis you could probably sell if for more in the future;
Confidence in your hustler ambition.
Accountant: You really shouldn't buy that car right now.
Me: I can flip it
by Kaizousha October 28, 2023
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When you don’t want teacher to know your asking your friend to rip their juul
Ted: Can I sip your suul?
Madi: yea bro
by Sipyoursuul March 14, 2019
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When you fall off your bike trying to do a jump. Completely break the bike to the point where the wheel falls off. And you lie to your parents about how it broke.
What did you do this weekend?
I can life I swear
by Big December 2, 2019
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cuz i can write dis definition.
why did you do that?
you:cuz i can!
by yeyepena123 October 22, 2019
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A thing most black parents say when their kid is misbehaving either in public or at home
Mom: Go do the damn dishes its been 3 hours
Child: Why do i have to listen to you?!
Mom: Well I put you in this world and I can take you right outta it
by isa6elita August 25, 2022
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A statement that turns into the corniest thing a teacher could say, and every teacher has said it once.
Student: Ms, can I use the restroom?
Teacher: I don't know, CAN YOU??
Student: Ugh, May I use the restroom
Teacher: No.
by Hiness303 May 3, 2021
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