Sexual position described by Conan O'brien on his show.
Johnny gave Mary a Tokyo Sandblaster last night.
by Shoelace672 November 11, 2010
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A sexual act involving blowing uncooked white rice into a partner's anus with a straw.
He's so whipped he even let her give him a Tokyo Sandblaster.
by pleezel23 November 10, 2010
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The act of having sex on each of the four bases of a baseball field.
I just got done performing the Tokyo sandblaster on that bitch at Coor's Field.
by vinny88 November 10, 2010
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A sexual act performed by a women on a man involving fecal matter. Only Conan O'Brien knows the details.
John really got turned off by the taste of the poo that trickled in his mouth from Jane giving him a Tokyo sandblaster.
by BadgerPoison November 11, 2010
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an excuse for a temporary lapse in judgement or irrational behavior.
Jake: My gosh Ric what was wrong with you this morning. You yelled at me for eating my Cheerios too loudly and kicked the dog on you way out the door.

Ric : I'm not sure what came over me this morning. Someone must have slipped me some Tokyo Tap Water at the restaurant last night, but I'm cool now.
by DaKineRT March 24, 2011
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A large woman who proceeds to throw herself on top of you like a whale breeching.
She was so into me, she pulled an absolute tokyo sex whale
by Shaneybabyboi January 27, 2023
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