What People Think: The original drummer for the British band "The Who" before his tragically young death.

Reality: The original drummer for the British band "The Who." Also an extremely shitty human being.
Keith Moon was an incurable drug addict who may or may not have been mentally insane. He was a massive prankster, and he had an incredibly unhealthy obsession with explosives, destruction, and destruction involving explosives. Everywhere he went, he got himself and his fellow bandmates in big trouble with his antics, to the point that they racked up a massive debt and almost went bankrupt.

During one concert, he had to be replaced because he kept passing out, thanks to his drug abuse. On several other occasions, his insatiable desire for destruction got himself injured quite badly, and he had to be repeatedly "rescued" by his bandmates or whoever happened to find him, who were none too happy to help him, knowing that he always invoked it upon himself. He ultimately died in 1978 at the age of 32, as a result of his incredibly self-destructive lifestyle. But when he died, his bandmates thought it was a prank; he was THAT much of a prankster. They didn't even realize it was legit until they went to his funeral and saw his mother weeping next to his coffin.
by Someone who kinda exists September 11, 2021
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The "female" character on the show 24 that looks like David Palmer's son Keith in drag.
Keith and "Tranny Keith" have never been seen in the same scene together, lending credence to the theory that it's the same actor.
by Royal Tenenbaum May 20, 2010
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when a single toe pops out of a sock
oh no! keith richard is back!
by shroomzbabayyy March 5, 2022
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A guy who was born with the gifts of a singer-songwriter, dancer, rapper, & actor. Behind the talented individual is someone who is lonely and looking for love and paranoid if his friends will be there for him or will they leave a scar on him like the last.
If you want someone to relate to or fall in love with? Find Keith Diamond Jr you'll fall in love with him, as a friend or maybe even more.
by Unknown_12345 February 14, 2019
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(Verb or gerund) used to describe a rockstar lifestyle, one which normally involves multiple women, guitar playing and living life to the full, regardless of age.
Dude 1: Luiz is such a player. Playing music to live audiences, chasing every single woman and living life free and easy.

Dude 2: yeah, he’s just Keithing about
by Bermuder April 24, 2023
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(Verb) when a person agrees to do something but becomes too fucked up to follow through with their end of the deal.

Takes it's name from Keith Moon, the drummer of The Who, who on October 21st, 1976 passed out while behind his drum kit during a show in Toronto. This resulted in bassist Pete Townshend asking the crowd "Can anybody play the drums?" before pulling a young drummer from the crowd to finish the show.
Rich said he was going to drive me home tonight but now he says he's too drunk. He Keith Mooned me.
by JoeStoner5446 July 18, 2015
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