Combination of "voter" - from Latin votum "a vow, wish, promise, dedication" noun use of neut. of votus, pp. of vovere "to promise solemnly, pledge, dedicate, vow." + "apathy" - Greek apatheia "freedom from suffering, impassability," from apathes "without feeling," from a- "without" + pathos "emotion, feeling, suffering."

1) A sense of indolence felt by the voting public when presented with political candidates whose platforms are lies, whose personalities are non-existant, and whose real agendas of embezzlement, excess and arrogance are all too clear.

2) The natural reaction to modern political campaigning, characterized by the brain's complete withdrawal from public politics in order to protect itself from the inevitable implosion caused by rampant media stupidity.

3) The first indications of a violent revolution.

4) One of the final symptoms of democratic decay. See Canada.
The media shills on the street ranting about voter apathy don't realize they'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
by whisyoda June 11, 2004
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An extremely long urban dictionary definition that no one reads in the end because they do not have time to read bitching at its best. therefore they turn to this definition.

The Voting into office of Scott Brown.

Now that Scott Brown is elected, we can sleep safely knowing that our health care bill and american rights as we know it are vanquished all because of the shift of majority of the house to republican control
Swizzie: I can't get get decent healthcare in Massachusetts

Dozer: well were all screwed because of your damn Voter Stupidity.
by BenDover101 February 5, 2010
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A strategy in which Republicans are trying to prevent people who might oppose them from voting, typically the poor, elderly and minorities. Usually they will claim they are just trying to stop voter fraud even though there is no evidence that that has been a problem
In Texas as part of their Voter Suppression program a concealled carry permit can be used as an ID to vote, but a student ID from one of their state colleges does not count, it's pretty obvious who they're trying to stop from voting.
by Republican$$uck November 24, 2013
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Those choosing to ignore the current overwhelming facts presented and keep supporting a campaign due to historical preference.
My father is an ostrich voter, he keeps blindly supporting Mrs. XXXX even though the facts indicate she has committed heinous deeds verified by the media and other sources.
by rman62 October 2, 2015
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1) A sense of discontentment felt by the voting public when presented with corrupt elected officials or political candidates whose platforms are lies, whose personalities are non-existant, and whose real agendas of embezzlement, excess and arrogance are all too clear.

2) The brain's complete withdrawal from public politics in order to protect itself from the inevitable implosion caused by rampant media stupidity.

3) One of the final symptoms of democratic decay.
The failure of the elected officials to disclose the existance of a contract with the lobbyist led to wide spread voter dissatisfaction and a cry to Vatso in the next election!

Synonyms: voter apathy, Vatso, Ratso, recall
Antonyms: voter satisfaction
Misspelling: Ratso
by Vatso May 15, 2011
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A phrase used as a synonym for "Getting drunk and sleeping with numerous women"

(As popularized by internet legend Tucker Max)
Wife: Why were you out so late last night?
Husband: Oh, I was just out registering voters, dear. Nothing to worry about!
by Aylon December 31, 2008
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Monster Voters are what you call to TREASURE's fans (treasure makers/teumes). They are a fandom that is very dedicated and hardworking and is willing to watch a lot of ads just for TREASURE. They are also monster crammers too and they yell at each other in the tl when it's voting time.
Teumes are insane, they are truly monster voters.
by HarutoMyRuto January 25, 2021
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