WhOa as in wow jsut the better slang way
wHoa that car is fast
whOa lok at dat man!
by Nitrous June 10, 2003
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One word greeting used between friends ot used to announce arrival.
Person 1.Whoa!
Person 1. Whoa fool
by Steve Wills September 7, 2004
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The general term used by THE PIC to express whatever he is feeling.
Hey PIC ur old.
He would respond with Whoaaaa!!!!!
by TabbeyBonney January 24, 2007
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I work at WHOA and a really hot guy felt me up lastnight..
by cjo795 January 26, 2008
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Whoa, bazooka breath, I'm not taking any complaints today.
by harry flashman July 27, 2003
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A word used at times when anything surprising comes up
#1: Hey, I just got a nose ring! Whoa! #2: Jimmy... I'm pregnant. Whoa!!!
by L33tM3 April 30, 2012
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